I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for improvement.
I'm a problem solver at heart. For progress to happen, we need problems to be solved. I believe that a problem solving mindset is something that every person should strive to maintain. If you want a better life, problem solving is at the core of the matter. That is why I consider myself a problem solver first and foremost.
View ResumeIn this project:
- I used GraphQL as the query language for the API, which allowed for efficient and flexible data fetching.
- For the front-end styling, I implemented Material UI (MUI) to create a responsive and modern user interface.
- The project is hosted on GitHub Pages, providing a simple and free hosting solution for this web application.
This project is a React app using Material UI, GraphQL and Hasura with Apollo to display live updates of swimming schedules in two views with filtering functionality. It showcases proficiency in cutting-edge web technologies and efficient data management.
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